How To Grow a Niche Blog? 11 Expert’s Advice - The Niche Guru

How To Grow a Niche Blog? 11 Expert’s Advice

how to grow a niche blog

Understand your niche, research, and pick a niche with low or medium competition. Then, be consistent, provide valuable information, share originally accurate content, etc.

There are so many things you can do to grow a niche blog. Without a doubt, they can be demanding and time-consuming. However, the results are worth the effort. 

But note the growth rate of your niche blog can differ due to the topic you picked. So, the key to growing is picking a low-medium competition niche. That way, your chances of attracting a larger readership will increase.

*Disclosure: I only recommend products I would use myself, and all opinions expressed here are my own. This post may contain affiliate links that at no additional cost to you, I may earn a small commission.

11 Expert’s Advice on Growing Your Niche Blog

expert advices on how to grow your niche blog

You can learn more about starting a blog if you don’t have any niche ideas now. Afterward, you can apply the expert advice below to grow your niche blog based on expert recommendations.

1. Understand Your Niche.

What is your website or blog talking about? Is it providing your audience with what they need? Is it profitable? Apart from providing information and solutions to readers, you also want to make some extra income from your niche. So, you must pick a profitable niche to sell products or services.

Understanding your niche allows you to expand, dig deep, and source information to provide your audience with the best content ever. 

For instance, if your niche topic is “mountain climbing,” you’ll need to provide a wide range of information, like the best mountain climbing gear, shoes, helmets, etc. That way, mountain climbers can refer to your blog for gear updates, hacks, tips, etc. 

The richer your content, the more audience you attract. So, understanding your niche is one of the expert’s advice you should apply. 

2. Research, Research, and Research.

Misleading content can drive your hard-built community base away. Always do thorough research on any information you want to share. You don’t want to tell mountain climbers that since helmets are quite expensive, Durag is an alternative. 

By researching both online and offline, you’ll get a vast knowledge of your niche and even know how competitive it is. You’ll find valuable content to share, like How-To Guides, Best Products, Tips, Hacks, Did You Know, DIYs, etc.

After gathering these topics, you can confidently share your knowledge with the audience. Also, your blog niche can even creep up to the #1 top page results of Google’s search engine. So, if you must grow your niche blog, make niche research your best companion. 

3. Start with Low-Medium Competition Niche.

Before or after picking a niche, you must perform thorough niche keyword research and pay attention to the keyword difficulty score. 50 and above indicates high competition, while 40 and below indicates medium-low competition. By picking a medium-low competition niche/keyword, growing it would be easy. Thanks to the low competition following the niche.

Some tools can help you check the level of competition following your topic/niche. SE Ranking, Moz, SEMrush, etc., are some of them. You can also search on Google. The number of results you get will determine if the competition is high or low. 

Why choose a medium-low competition niche? Choosing a niche with low competition makes it easier for your content to appear on SERP, thereby growing the niche in question. Imagine sharing content about the best mountain climbing gear; after a long time, no audience came across the content. This happens when you follow a niche with high competition. 

So, only join the competition if you’re sure to beat the competitors. You don’t want your valuable information to appear on the last page of Google SERP.

4. Work with Social Networks.

Social media is becoming the leading communication network in the world now. It’s one of the fastest ways to reach, communicate and interact with your audience. It allows you to share content with your audience, increasing reliability and confidence.

You can drive your fan base towards your niche blog and make the most of it through social media. Also, this medium lets you know your audience, interact with them, request suggestions, etc., to improve your niche blog.

It helps you keep in touch, network, and engage your audience within your selected niche. For these reasons, it’s advisable to work with social media, as it can help to grow a niche blog.

5. Connect with Professionals within your Niche.

Whether you have little or no knowledge of your niche, connecting with niche-related experts is one of the effective ways to grow your blog. By connecting with professionals through interviews, polls, and FAQs using live video shows, you’re opening virtual doors. 

The more experts you connect and share knowledge with, the more success you gather in your sector. Not only will you gain followers, but it will also push your niche growth to a new level. Most times, the experts may publish their interview sessions with you on the networks. 

Some of the best ways to get content from professionals are through interviews (book/trade show), guest posts, TV shows, etc. Their contributions and knowledge go a long way in growing a niche blog.

6. Provide Original and Info-Rich Content.

Sharing 2000 words of content on your blog doesn’t make it original or rich in helpful info. Google looks for creativity, quality, originality, and well-researched information. If your niche blog provides content acceptable to Google, your content may rank #1 in Google SERP.

That means you can grow your niche blog easily. You just need to be consistent in providing quality. One tip to keep in mind when making content is a reference. Checking your competitor’s site gives you insight into how they write. Afterward, writing better than your competitors puts you ahead of them.

Besides referring to competitors, referring to books based on your niche is also a great way to get original information. When providing quality content, don’t worry about the word count. If it’s helpful, informative, and catchy, your audience will read till the end.  

So, always stick to original and info-rich content.

7. Try Content Mix: Be Versatile.

Variety plays a significant role in the blogging sector. How? It makes your niche blog attractive to your audience. They can always reach out to other content helpful to them. For instance, if your niche is “mountain climbing course for beginners,” you can mix up your content with something like “best mountain climbing shoes review.”

By doing so, you’re providing content for your “beginners” audience and a wide range of mountain climbers. So, when mixing up content on your niche blog, you may want to consider the following:

  • Video tutorials: YouTube is a great source for self-explanatory videos to help your audience with their niche-related issues. You can provide video tutorials with easy-to-follow steps. Moreover, if you add Youtube automation to the equation, you are probably in front of one of the most powerful growth methods in current years.
  • Expert Verdicts: This kind of post is where you highlight the different opinions of various experts concerning a topic. You can connect to bloggers to get professional advice.   
  • Blog Roundups: Here, you can gather some professional blog posts, summarize their topics, mention things you found, and also refer your audience to learn more from those blogs. 
  • Ultimate Guides: This post needs you to provide your audience with an all-inclusive overview of your niche. This is ideal for blogs as it creates topical authority, especially for starter blogs.

There are lots of content ideas for you to use. It’s advisable to be versatile with your content, as it can be rewarding and exciting. 

8. Monitor Your Growth with Google Analytics.

If your blog is not running with Google Analytics, it will likely stunt growth. Google Analytics is a tool that allows you to monitor: 

  • The total number of clicks on your site
  • Total impressions made on your site
  • Average click-through rate
  • Average position
  • Number of page views

So, to know whether your niche blog is growing, you need to sign up for Google Analytics, link your site, and start monitoring. Another importance of Google Analytics is the ease of metric tracking. 

With the assistance of Google Search Console, you can keep an eye on the performance of your blog. Remember, Search Console and Google Analytics are two different tools, but they provide site metrics. 

How? Google Search Console displays the number of times your site appears for a keyword that people are searching for online. It displays the number of clicks your site receives from the results, potential errors, sitemap tools, and average positions.

But Google Analytics gives deeper information about user’s interaction with the contents on your site. So, with these tools, you can understand where corrections, improvements, and changes are needed. 

9. Invest in formation.

Without a doubt, you can grow your niche blog with self-discovered strategies. However, learning from a professional makes the process smooth, unambiguous, error-free, and straightforward. So, taking a course is always a great idea.

Taking a course puts everything you’d ever need in one place. The best part is that you can always share or revisit your course anytime, as long as you have your access details. So, it’s worth the cost. Since it might be tricky to find a reliable place for the course, you may want to consider the following:

  • Project24 – Income School
  • Blogging for a Living – Theo Mcarthur
  • The Authority Site System – Authority Hacker
  • SEO That Works – Brian Dean

These are some courses you can buy. Alternatively, you can also visit Udemy for courses related to your niche blog.

10. Learn Copywriting, SEO, and Content Marketing Skills.

There’s a long learning curve in blogging. But you must acquire some vital skills faster as a blogger. Content Marketing, Copywriting, and SEO (Search Engine Optimization) skills are the key to growing a niche blog.

Content marketing helps your audience understand their predicaments, learn how to resolve them, and prevent them from repeating. With this skill, you create and organize content to drive your audience toward positive improvements.

SEO helps your content appear in SERPs, making it easier for your audience to access. From keyword density to word count limit, this skill helps make your content visible. 

Copywriting brings creativity, persuasion, and marketing to writing. It helps build trust in your audience, converting them from leads to sales. Learn these skills if you want to grow a niche blog. 

11. Have a Winning About-Us Page.

The “About Us” page should contain everything about your niche, including contact info, physical address (optional, though ideal), etc. 

Write a winning About Us page for your blog, as it helps build connection, awareness, trust, and relevance. This makes the readers tag along with your site for more of what you’ve got.

There are so many tools that can help you come up with something unique. However, writing from your head makes it more real and catchy to your audience. You can choose to show your face; it helps build trust. Mention how your niche blog can help. 

Connect with your audience via the contact form, social media, newsletters, etc. Also, always add at least one Call-to-Action to a service or product. It goes a long way in growing your niche blog, as most visitors frequently navigate to the About Page of most blogs. 

How to grow a niche blog- Conclusion

expert team growing a niche website

Growing a niche blog can be tricky, especially with the latest Google Ranking Update. However, with these experts’ advice, you can experience growth. 

You need to understand your niche and decide on what you want your site to talk about. Upon picking your niche, you must do thorough research. You want to provide your audience with accurate and well-researched content.

Furthermore, start with a niche with low to medium competition to rank and grow your blog faster. Picking a niche with high competition will not be a good idea. However, you can still give it a try. 

Additionally, work with social media networks. They go a long way in connecting you to various communities. You can also connect with professionals within your niche and share knowledge. This is one of the most effective ways to grow a niche blog. 

More importantly, learn more about SEO, Content Marketing, and Copywriting skills. You can even buy a course for a more detailed process. 

Remember to always monitor your growth with Google Analytics. You’ll get insights on how your niche is performing on Google and page-related metrics.

11 expert's advice on how to grow your niche blog. Includes from SEO tips, to social media and niche research tips and more.


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