Content marketing essentially encompasses the use of online content to drive interest, repeat visits, and sales of a company’s product or service. It involves taking valuable content on a website and repurposing it so it can be shared across channels like social media, blogs, email newsletters, webinars, presentations, case studies, white papers, and more.
- Digital Marketing Practices
- How To Run A Successful Content Marketing Campaign step by step
- Planning your campaign: setting goals and objectives
- Creating content: what type of content will you create?
- Promoting your content: how will you get your content seen?
- Measuring success: how will you know if your campaign was successful?
- Make improvements: take advantage of feedback
- How To Run A Successful Content Marketing Campaign- Conclusion
Digital Marketing Practices

Over the last 20 years, marketing has gone through a radical change. The advent of social media has created new jobs and job titles previously unthought of. There is a skills gap, with many senior managers not understanding how much marketing has changed. Therefore, it is now more important than ever to partner with a company such as so they can support your company’s digital marketing.
How To Run A Successful Content Marketing Campaign step by step

So What do you need to get started?
Step #1: Choose a topic
Knowing what you’re going to write about is the first step. The most common topics include:
- Content that’s informative and educational
- Content that’s entertaining or presents information in a light-hearted way
- Content that gives advice and teaches strategies
Step #2: Create a content calendar
Plan to write a minimum of two articles per week. The more, the better, but this is a good starting point. Create a content calendar based on the number of hours you want to invest in the content marketing campaign.
Step #3: Write for user intent
To get the best results, you need to put yourself into the mind of an ideal customer and write from their perspective. For example, if you’re a solution provider, your ideal customer’s most significant pain point is the lack of time. So, if you’re writing an article on how to save time in your business, write it from a first-person perspective and speak directly to your audience.
Step #4: Categorize your content
Categorizing content is the best way to keep track of what you’ve written and make it easier for others to find. As you write articles and create new blog posts, be sure to add these tags, so they’re automatically categorized when they’re published. This will help readers find them via search engines and create more traffic for your website.
Planning your campaign: setting goals and objectives

You need to set goals and objectives for your campaign and decide what you’re hoping to accomplish over the next year. The most common objectives include:
- Generating leads
Here, you want to focus on writing high-quality content so people will want to engage with you. This is a great strategy for getting more leads. Some good topics are: “How to,” “Top 10 Tips”, etc.
- Generating traffic from search engines
Another popular objective is traffic from search engines, so it’s essential to focus on building authority around highly relevant terms related to your products or services. This is achieved by including the right keywords in your articles and attracting backlinks to your website or social media profiles.
- Increasing sales of your products or services
This objective can be achieved by adding product-relevant keywords to your company and blog content.
- Improving conversion rates
There are other tactics you can use to increase sales on your site; attracting visitors is just the first step. You can also increase the chance that they will become paying customers:
#1. Provide trust signals
Trust signals create a sense of legitimacy in an online setting. For example, adding a customer review page from an independent review service can go a long way in building authority and trust. You need to make it easy for people to find your review page, so include it in your navigation menu or create an action item that takes people to the page.
#2. Use encryption
These days it is essential to have an SSL certificate on your site if you want it to rank well on Google and other major search engines.
#3. Use pop-ups
Pop-ups are a great way to get visitors “stuck” on your site long enough so they can see what you have to offer. It’s important that you create content around your products and services and not “sell,” this is one of the biggest mistakes companies make with their pop-up campaigns. You must create valuable content before deciding on a pop-up strategy.
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Creating content: what type of content will you create?

You should decide what type of content you’re going to create, so you can effectively distribute information. Some good content ideas include:
- How-to’s and guides
Here, your goal is to offer valuable information and insights while answering questions people ask daily. Add a “how to” question to your blog to attract traffic. For example, post a question like: “How to create a content calendar” and give them the perfect answer with an article that will help them increase their business in the future.
- Informational white papers
White papers are written as investor reports, so they’re highly informative. This can be a great way to create the perfect introduction to your products and services. After you’ve completed the white paper, ensure you have social media sharing buttons, so people can easily share it with others. It’s also essential to ensure it’s optimized for search engines.
- Infographics
This is another effective way of creating an easy-to-share piece of content that gets repurposed repeatedly. For example, if you’re an energy company, create an infographic on “How to use less energy at home” and then share it on social media or through email blasts. Infographics can be a great traffic source in addition to generating leads when they’re shared on other websites.
- Product Feature Videos
This is a great way to create content that gets shared on social media and other websites. For example, you could create a video explaining the value of your product with testimonials from satisfied customers.
- Case Studies and Testimonials
Case studies offer an excellent way for visitors to know what to expect when they decide to work with your company. It’s also a good idea to feature testimonials from people who are happy with your services or products. In these videos, you can even ask them questions about their experience, allowing them to share their advice and prove that they’re real people with real stories.
Promoting your content: how will you get your content seen?

To maximize your efforts, you need to promote your content from day one. The best way to do this is by using social media, so people will see your articles and blog posts when they’re published.
If you’re a business owner, there are many ways you can use social media networks to promote your content:
- Blog commenting
Blogs are extremely popular, and it’s possible for anyone who visits the site to comment on the content. This strategy can be especially effective if you include relevant keywords in every article, so people in the blogosphere will start bookmarking and leaving comments on your work.
- Blog posting
A blog is an effective way to help get noticed in the blogosphere. If you participate on other sites, you’ll get a chance to build trust and authority in an area related to your products or services. By building connections in the blogosphere, you can get much higher search engine rankings for more relevant terms.
- Social Media Platforms
You must have a company page on all major social media platforms and share your content with followers and friends for maximum distribution. Encourage followers to share it too. This is important because your follower base is constantly growing, so each time you publish content, it’s shared with even more people than before.
- Guest Blogging
This is one of the best ways to get high levels of exposure very quickly by writing articles on other blogs related to your business or industry. You must provide quality content. Otherwise, the blog owner does not want it to be published on their site. Remember, you’re still doing something for them by promoting your article on your social media profiles.
Measuring success: how will you know if your campaign was successful?

If you can’t measure the success of your social media campaign, it’s going to be hard to tell if your strategy is working. The key here is not to measure traffic and conversions but to look at the bigger picture.
Here are some ways you can measure ROI:
- Social Media Engagement
This tactic involves measuring how your content is doing on social networks; you want viewers to respond with comments and shares. You can also track when people are talking about your content on Twitter, Facebook, and other social media sites; this will help you understand what they like most about your articles.
- Improved conversion rates
Along with measuring traffic and engagement, you should also try to increase your conversion rates. This could mean a change in your pop-ups’ design or content. You’ll want to continually test different combinations and see what works best.
- Increased Sales
More traffic to your site should equal more sales. Unfortunately, this isn’t always the case; you could be attracting poor-quality traffic. To solve this problem, you can focus on producing high-quality content that people are interested in reading.
- Increased audience size
It’s important to track what drives your audience to increase the number of people viewing your content. You’ll want to research what other blogs and social media sites are doing to generate traffic and understand what they’re doing right so that you can replicate the success they achieve.
- Improve brand awareness
The media landscape is constantly changing, so it’s essential to measure what works and what doesn’t. The purpose of social media is to generate leads, so having the right mix of content will increase your company profile with the right audience. With this information, you can make changes and tweak your social media strategy over time.
- Growing subscriber lists
Email may seem a bit old-fashioned now. Especially when you look at how many innovative and exciting social media platforms are popping up. Yet, email marketing is still one of the most effective ways to promote your company and attract new customers. To get started, you can create a simple email list that grows over time. This can boost your email marketing efforts by increasing conversions and boosting your brand awareness.
Make improvements: take advantage of feedback

The best way to find out what’s working and what isn’t with your social media campaign is by focusing on the results. Whether you’re measuring conversions or engagement, this will help you understand how people are responding to your content.
There is little point in measuring your results if you don’t take remedial action to improve your current situation. Doing so will give you the best possible chances of achieving your business goals.
Here are some things you can do:
- Update old content
If you have outdated or out-of-date content, it’s essential to change this. Getting people to visit your site with irrelevant or bad content is much harder. So if you notice that your older articles don’t perform as well as they did when they were new, you’ll want to update them with new topics and content.
- Update your Footer
You must take the time to reinforce your brand by updating the elements on your website. This includes adding a blog roll for your latest posts and sharing additional ways for people to connect with you using social media sites like Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, and others.
- Focus on your On-Page SEO
On-page SEO is one of the most important ways to increase traffic to your site. You’ll want to make sure that you optimize all of your posts for specific keywords, as well as analyze page load times and bounce rates. By ensuring that each page on your website is relevant and up to date, you’ll be able to retain a high percentage of visitors.
- Identify content gaps
You must identify content gaps to ensure a balance between your long- and short-form content. By doing this, you can create more unique, interesting, and concise content. You can look at pages with a lot of traffic but poor engagement or high bounce rates. This is a sure signal that the content is missing its mark and needs to be adjusted.
- Keep track of what your audience wants
The best way to understand what your audience wants is by maintaining constant contact with them. Ask questions through surveys and polls, comment on their blogs, ask for input whenever possible, and engage with your community regularly. This will help you understand how to communicate with them better in the future.
There are plenty of ways to measure your results, but the key is to understand what you’re trying to achieve before you start. If you have the right mix of content, traffic, and engagement, then you can focus on improving your social media strategies and strategies.
How To Run A Successful Content Marketing Campaign- Conclusion
Running a successful content marketing campaign is not necessarily difficult, but it takes time. Also, this is one of those things where you’ll improve as you practice. You’ll see you discover some channels and strategies work better than others, so you just need to double down on them.