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Quick Stats
Website Created
Over 5 articles
Blogs Posted
Over 8,000
Amazon Articles posted
Overview of the Website
- ✔ Site is currently monetized via Amazon Affiliates with the opportunity to expand into other monetization methods. The buyer can add affiliate links to the content that already exists.
- ✔ The site will automatically populated new items.
- ✔ The buyer can focus on editing and improving the content that is already on the site.
- ✔ The site doesn’t have any backlinks.
Google Search Console
Despite being just launched, this site is already indexed and receiving traffic:

FAQ with Seller
There are ample low competition keywords to use in this niche, which can help the site to grow. I would focus on content creation first, adding more blogs to grow authority.
The site has been started from scratch. No expired domain and no use of 301 redirects.
Domain and Hosting are included for a year in case you sign up for hosting and domain with me. In case you want your own hosting and domain, you will need to buy them and I will transfer the site for free.
I have set automatically best seller items, so you just need to spend time on blog content creation and marketing. I´d recommend a minimum of 2 hours a day of work for best results.
I write some and outsource some for all the sites I build. I mainly use freelancer services.
NO backlinks NO PBN have been created by me. There is huge potential for the future owner.
A total of 5 articles have been written currently. I suggest writing much more if you are looking to grow the blog.
Yes, I used AI for content outline and content planning. I have two strategies to create bulk and quality content I am willing to share with the buyer.
If you host it yourself, whatever you are willing to pay for. If you want to host it with me (I keep it updated and secured) the cost is $250 per year.